This time, pictures will tell you a thousand words!
P/s- Abg Fadhlah, saya curi idea kamu ye..
Azreen and her Big Apple Doughnut! Mmm...
Azreen's treat at California Grill.. Thank you.. (Ko belanje eh?)
Mohana and her food in Secret Recipe!
Nabilah and her brother enjoying their nasi goreng special.. Indeed it was special!
I was having my share of Secret Recipe's Lemon Cheese Cake and Hot Chocolate!
Jumpe balik kawan2 TEYL.. (Ada azreen, along, mona, akip, nabilah) Bestnye jumpa..
Last picture-- Syok tengok Reen makan donut! Sgt comel.. huahuahuahuahuahua..
takder kena mengena pon ngan idea tu...huhuhu..nice layout..spidermannnnnn..wachaaaaaaa
bestnyer korang masih bersama2...kitaorang bersama2 time convo ajer..pastu buat kerja sendiri..
xpe, lengkali aku join...
wait...where's pami?
aku mmg comey *blush-blush*
owh aku baru perasan yang aku punya tiket balik bulan 5 adelah pada ari jumaat pagi...hahaha
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