Why Matno, Why?
dah gatai sgt ke?
tulah, takmo kawin awai2..
eh..eh.. hang dah ada calon ka?
Lots and lots of responses!
Malaih aku nak pikir dah.
"Love, like rain, can nourish from above, drenching couples with a soaking joy...
Sometimes, under the angry heat of life,
Love dries on the surface and must nourish from below, tending to its roots,
keeping itself ALIVE.."
Oh cuti, when are you starting? Am buckled with work!
Am suffocating!
"Ek eleh, mcm ko sorang je.. rilek ah bro!"
"Mcm mana nak rilek, keja bertimbun2.. sampai keje org lain pun kena buat gak! Kena buli ke tu namanya? Or, aku simply tak mcm dulu, mulut lazer?"
"Takut kot?"
"Nyampah dah lazer2 nie"
"Benci life mcmni"
Gaji masyuk,
Seronok tgk skrin atm bila duit dicucuk,
Jgn sampai jadi ngok!
Happy Holidays to all yg dah kerje keras
Happy Holidays to all yg dah kerje lembut
Happy Holidays to all yg tak keje lgsg, makin gaji buta!
Ala.. apa aku heran!
Kubur kau, kau jawab senirik!
Eh..Eh..Takle..Takle.. Aku tarik balik..
Kalau kubur kau, kau jawab seniri, pastikan amalan ko tu cukup ah..
Taknak ah menyusahkan org lain walaupun dah mati.. Yela, ko terjerit2 kena palu,
sian org yg tido di kubur sebelah you tu!
p/s- syitah, dah update!! :p.. lama dah nak update, tapi sibuk la..